Negócios Exemplos de Portfólio
Discover business portfolio website examples. Entrepreneurs and professionals share insights, trends, and strategies for success.
TodosVideógrafoEditor de vídeoTradutorSocial Media ManagerReportadoCorretor de provasPoetaPodcasterFotógrafoMusicianModelJornalistaInterior DesignerIlustradorArtista de cabeloGraphic DesignerEscritor de DestaquesFashion StylistEditorDeveloperDesignerEscritor CriativoCopywriterCriador de conteúdoEmissoraBloggerAutorArtistaArquitetoAnimator

David Blackwood
Welcome to my portfolio. Here, you will find a selection of articles from my time at Liberty University and subsequent six-year adventure.
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Sek Han Foo
Legal Professional, Creative and Legal Writer, Editor and Translator based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
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Femi Lewis
I am a freelance journalist specializing in small business development and education.
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Greta Forslund
Journalist with experience in reporting, editing, leadership and multimedia content creation.
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